About me
I am a postdoc associate in the Systems Software Research Group, Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech, VA, USA, working with Prof. Binoy Ravindran on the intersection of security, program analysis, and formal methods. I received my Ph.D. in Computing and Information Sciences from Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), NY, USA, in 2023, under the supervision of Dr. Mirakhorli with the focus on program synthesis and program analysis. In particular, my dissertation aimed at pushing the boundary of program synthesis and supporting a wide range of software developers with inter-procedural program synthesis.
My paper on program synthesis is the First-place Award Winner of the Research Competition at the 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE’21).
During my Ph.D., as a Research Intern, I had the privilege to collaborate with brilliant researchers at Google (Fall 2022) and PARC (Spring 2022).
I’m on the job market for the next academic year (2025-26) for an assistant professor postition. Please find my CV, research statement, and teaching statement.
Research interests
- Software Quality [ICSE’25][OOPSLA’24][ICSA’21][DepRes][SecCont][Sherlock]
- Software Productivity [ASE’21] [IPSynth][ICPC’21][CONSTRUCT]
News & announcements
Jan 2025: Our paper on formally-verified binary analysis got accepted to ICSE’25 reseach track.
Nov 2024: I will be serving LangSec’25 at the S&P’25 as a PC member.
Nov 2024: Our paper on formally-verified binary analysis got conditionally accepted to ICSE’25 reseach track.
Apr 2024: Our paper on sound call graph construction was accepted by OOPSLA’24 reseach track and is published now.
Jan 2024: I will be serving USENIX’24 (Research track), ECSA’24 (Research track), and ICST’24 (Tool track) as a PC member.
Aug 2023: I will be serving SANER’24 as a PC member of the Research track.
Aug 2023: I’ve joined the ECE department of Virginia Tech (among the top four best ECEs in the US!) as a postdoc associate to expand my research domain to formal-oriented software security.
Jul 2023: I successfully defended my Ph.D. dissertation!
Feb 2023: We have filed two inventions and patent out of my work on program synthesis and program analysis.
Dec 2022: Successfully defended my Ph.D. proposal, getting ready for the dissertation defense in the near future.
Dec 2022: I will be serving MSR’23 as a Junior PC of the Research track.
Aug 2022: I’ve started a new position as a Research Intern at Google to work on Google’s Large Language Models (LLM) for AI-assisted software development and software synthesis.
May 2022: I’ve finished my Research Internship at PARC, aiming at registering two inventions and 2 papers as outcomes of my contribution.
Mar 2022: I will be serving ICSE’23 as a PC member of the Research Competition track.
Feb 2022: I will be serving ISSTA’22 as a PC member of the Tool Demo track.
Feb 2022: I’ve joined the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) as a Research Intern, Software Synthesis.
Jan 2022: I will be serving SCAM’22 (Research track), PLDI’22 (Artifact track), and ICSME’22 (Tool track) as a PC member.
Dec 2021: I will be serving ICPC’22 (Research track) and ASE’22 (Research Competition track) as a PC member.
Nov 2021: My research won the Research Competition Award at ASE’21.